Creation Care Campaign
ART 4068 Class Project
Adobe InDesign
Canon EOS Rebel T7i
Design Challenge
Using Design Thinking’s human-centered design approaches and methods to design a climate change awareness publication focusing on things humans need, want, or love and how climate change is impacting that topic. Explain what is currently being done collectively to mitigate climate change and share actions individuals can take. Use social science research findings to effectively communicate about climate change in a polarized world.
2-Page Spread in
Newspaper Club Publication
Digital Photography
The purpose of this publication is to connect with a broader audience by talking about the things we all have in common and how climate change is impacting them. Water is something we can all agree that we want, love and need. I implemented my own photography of the beautiful Sunset Cliffs to pull people in, then moved to the information. The editorial-style and structure influenced the typography, scale, and placement of all elements and balances both visual aesthetics and readability.